Thursday 1 April 2010

August Sander Biography

Forester's Child, Westerwald (1931)
Photographer:August Sander

August Sander was born in Herdorf Germany 17 November 1876. In 1901 he was employed by the Photographic Studio Graf in Linz, Austria. He and a partner bought this concern the following year and renamed it Studio Sander and Stuckenberg. Two years later he bought out his partner and started the August Sander Studio for Pictorial Arts of Photography and Painting. From 1918, he travelled through the Westerwald countryside, taking portraits of the different 'types', tradespeople, classes and individuals he came across.

He began a series of Rhineland landscapes and nature studies in 1935 on which he worked for the rest of his life. After looking at Sander photographs I must say his portrait image are more striking to me than his landscapes needless to say I do like one perticular landscape shot: The Rhine Valley and the Nonnenwerth Island, 1930.

It's important to note that August Sander has been able to capture strong images at a time when photography was not so popular, his work has enable use to understand and see the way people live and look in his time. He has brought the past into the present.

The above photograph is titled Forester's Child, Westerwald (1931)

This is a very impressive photograph, the first thing that caught my attention was the expression on the child face and positioning of his body. the facial expression compliment the body posture because it indicate a sense of possession and pride over the bike. This image indicates to me that August Sander has a sense of humour because after studying this photo for a while I thought it was rather funny.

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