Monday 24 May 2010

Ashanti Kente Cloth

The KENTE Cloth is a multicolored hand woven material made in Ghana by the Ashanti tribe, it is one of the best know African textile; every cloth is made up of different dazzling shapes and patterns geometric shape and bold design giving each cloth its individual identity and distinction. Every color and pattern has a specific meaning.

Kente Colours And Their Meanings


represents the yolk of the egg as well as certain fruits and vegetables. The colour is a symbol for things that are holy and precious.


is used to symbolize gentle qualities such as calmness, sweetness, and tenderness.


stands for blood and for strong political and spiritual feelings.


is associated with the colour of Earth, the mother. It represents healing and protection from evil.


stands for the sky and is used to symbolize holiness, peace, harmony, good fortune, and love.


is associated with plants and stand for growth and good health.


like the metal gold, is a symbol of royalty, wealth, and spiritual purity.


represents the white of an egg as well as the white clay that is used in certain rituals. It stands for purity and healing.


stands for aging because in nature things get darker as they get older. Black also stands for strong spiritual energy, and the spirits of the ancestors.


represents ashes, which are used for spiritual cleansing.


stands for the moon and represents serenity, purity and joy.


like maroon, is associated with Earth and with healing.

Traditionally the Kente was the cloth of royalty and the rich, it is considered to be more important than just being a cloth in a total cultural content,

The patterns are so intricate that the artist amid a welter ball of cotton thread of every color, Ghana and the Kente are culturally entwined, removing the Kente out of Ghana would be like removing fish out of the sea.

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