Monday 24 May 2010

Religion and Reasoning.

Over the years I have tried to understand the benefit that people gain from being part of one of the groups within this category (Religion). I was a Christian for over twenty five years; I was devoted and unchanging to my religious practice. I thought nothing could alter the thought pattern within my religious principle. Well fortunately to my shock new discoveries where awaiting me in the short future ahead.

I CAN NOT discriminate against anyone’s principle or religion, neither can I assume that my way of life now is perfect but I would like to say that I am perfecting every day, understanding the purpose of good and evil in this world. Nevertheless I feel that it is important that individuals within a religious group should step out of the circumference of their religious circle and explore the history, the events that accrued before they were born and how it has metamorphosis into what it is today. The groups within this category have suffer as well has inflicted more pain on the very essence of mankind than any act of evil that can be inflicted upon the human race.

I ask myself, why do people not want to know about the origin of their religious beliefs system. I have concluded that the fight of good against evil will never end; both are an inevitable balance of life, they both work together. We should not be trying to be good or fighting against evil, instead understand how the balance work and how it can be utilised with the support of how emotion through reasoning of from our conscience mind. We can never say “why did that bad thing happen, or say thing happen by luck or chance, we control everything around us, but we cannot progress to higher level of consciousness unless we surrender everything we think we know.

Until then the war goes on.

We have the Ying and the Yang, the good and the bad, the ups and the downs, Left and right. Everything has its opposite how can one exist without the other.

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