Thursday 6 May 2010


Feminism is a social movement that seeks equal rights for women. Women have been oppressed for many year in different country and cultures around the world. I strongly shear the view that religion as intensified this oppression by misogynistic men who procrastinate egotistically, men who are coming from a weak constituency that look like it has lost its testicular fortitude. In their ego they make wars and preaching pointless words of faith that that corrupts the mental stability of society.

It is this misogynistic attitude that brought forth the reaction from Guerrilla Girls in the art world, defending the right for women's work to be give the same recognition as the men. The Guerrilla Girls are the antibiotic to art world injustice system. They were originally formed in New York in 1985, they individually took upon the names of dead female artists in order to focus attention on matters they want to highlighting rather than their own personalities.

Like anything in this world the more you oppress it, eventually it will build up the defence to fight back and and in most cases they always overcome their oppressors.

As much as thing have changed over the years, in many African tribes women are recognised as the head of the tribal community and a stronger role model, for example in the case of Shake the Zulu King, even though Shake was the King his mother influence most of this decision making even plan some of his war attack strategies. I think some of the European feminist will find the frame of mind interesting.

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