Tuesday 18 May 2010

Salaam Bombay Movie

This movie is very moving, funny and sad at the same time it is based in India, Bombay in the 1980's. It is basically about children from the age of about 4 years and above, living in the street of Bombay hustling to make a living by any means. The film focuses particularly on a young boy who was sent to work in a circus for breaking his little brothers bike by his mother, whiles working one day, he was sent on an heron and on his return the whole circus had packed up and moved out of the location leaving him behind.

He spend the rest of the film meeting other kids on the street, working and getting in all kind of trouble. I chose to talk about this film because it depict reality and according to the extra footage in the DVD the director interviews some of the kids and they are actually from the slums of the city.

It could not get more real than this, this film remind me of Nan Goldin, capturing the true reality of her life and some of the people in her society. This film emphasises on the pain that these children suffer and the illusion of happiness they create from themselves. I have lost count of how many times I've watch this film, some might say I'm obsessed with it on the contrary, I am rather fascinated by the message being demonstrated. I make a comparison to where I'm from in West Africa and how things where like back in the 80's and it similarities to this film.

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