Tuesday 25 May 2010

Steve McCurry

I have a strong interest in history, people, different cultures and past and present architecture. I find my appreciation of these different aspects of life strongly influences my photography and the way I perceive and interpret images. Although I have developed an understanding of different styles of photography over the years, I am more inclined towards portrait photography. Portrait photography enables the photographer to explore different characters and tell a story about historical or cultural tradition. It can trigger great emotional responses, and take the viewer on a journey.

Steve McCurry mainly uses a Nikon D2X digital camera and a Nikon F100 film camera 50 millimetre lens, 35 millimetre lens, 28 millimetre lens, and possibly an 85 millimetre lens also (Parra 2006). Unfortunately in the case of this particular photograph, I am not sure which lens or camera he used.

Steve Mc Curry is one of my favourite photographers, his images are very strong and attractive. I feel his work are more of a documentary type nevertheless, when looking at his images they make you wonder into thought because they they gaze back at you like this one below.

Steve McCurry
"Afghan Girl, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1984"

Above is an image title the Afghan Girl, I really like this portrait, there are some thing I realised looking at this picture, firstly the background is green, her eyes are green and beneath her read scarf she is also wearing green, I wonder if Steve Mc Curry shot her with the green background intentionally or it was just by chance.

Steve McCurry
"Coal Miner with Cigarette, Pol-e Khomri, Afghanistan, 2002"

This is another example of McCurry's portrait, very strong and impressive, we can almost read the story behind this man's life. The eyes tells us everything.


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